Hey guys!
I've been pretty busy this past week. As you've noticed, my most recent work centers around low-poly painterly assets. While I really enjoy doing that work, the industry is ever changing and I need to keep my skills sharp. I had the opportunity (since I have some time-off right now) to brush up on some stuff I haven't used in a couple years: high poly, normal maps and spec maps.
They aren't hard per se but they definitely take a different way of thinking than what I've been used to most recently. For example, in low poly mobile assets, the name of the game is readability and optimization. I like to think I've gotten pretty good at this. But for making normal maps and ambient occlusions, it's really difficult to overlap and mirror certain things and have them still look good or give you the desired effect. And if you've given yourself a 2048 to work on, you have more than enough space to unwrap everything you need and still have it look good.
Here are the two pieces I did this past week:
Needless to say, I already have a couple of projects in mind that will help me hone these skills even further. In the mean time, I'm going to finish this Warcraft inspired axe that I started what seems like forever ago.
It's been sitting half-finished in the texture stage for weeks, and high time I finished it and moved on to more projects.
Here's to another productive week!