Saturday, September 21, 2013

Torchlight Weapon Pack Update!

Hey all! It's been a few months! Over the summer, I've been settling in at Playful Corp., a start up studio headed by Paul Bettner (Words with Friends). It is awesome fun there and I love my work. When I can, I'll share information about what games we've been working on :)

It was fun to take a bit of a break from having to work all the time (being in school is stressful!), but now it's back to work on Torchlight weapons. I've learned so much at Playful and I think my texturing has progressed enough to warrant a repaint of what I had started on the mace, so here is what I have so far. Should be finished with the texture tomorrow and I'll be trying to remember how to hook it up in GUTS. Wish me luck :)